• Proud to be part of DEALT

Sandown School

Our School Day

Sandown school is open for 32.5 hours per week excluding wrap around care and afterschool enrichment opportunities.

In the morning our school gates open at 8.35 am and close at 8.45 am.  If you arrive after this time please go to the school office so that your child can be registered and their lunch order taken. 

All children finish school at 3.15 pm. The gates are unlocked at 3.10 pm, parents and carers are welcome to wait on the playground until children are dismissed at 3.15pm. 

Breakfast club opens at 8.00 am and can be booked through School Money.

Afterschool club runs until 6.00 pm and can also be booked through School Money.

We run a range of afterschool activity clubs please check with the school office or provider for club finishing times. 

