• Proud to be part of DEALT

Sandown School

 Both the Breakfast and After School Clubs are in place to offer our parents a childcare service and are run on a not-for-profit basis.  PAYMENT MADE AT TIME OF BOOKING

Breakfast Club

Our extended services include the Breakfast Club. The Breakfast Club opens every morning before school at 8am and is open to all children who attend Sandown, on a first come first served basis. The club operates in the school hall in a safe environment led by our Breakfast Club's leader Miss Roberts and her experienced team. 


Once the children are dropped to Breakfast Club they are able to enjoy a healthy selection of breakfast choices and they can take part in play and craft activities led by staff.  


Healthy breakfast choices that we offer include:

  • Variety of cereals
  • Variety of drinks such as orange juice, apple juice, water or milk
  • Variety of breads which can be served with preserves if the children wish
  • Yogurts
  • Fresh fruit.
Important points about Breakfast Club:
  • The Breakfast Club only operates during term time, it will not run on days that the school is closed.
  • Registration forms must be submitted prior to attendance and can be found on the link at the bottom of this page.  
  • All bookings must be made online. Payments must be made using SchoolMoney with more information available via the School Office if needed.  

Booking your child to attend Breakfast Club and cancellation:
• To attend Breakfast Club your child must be registered and routine sessions for a term reserved beforehand online.  If SchoolMoney is not allowing you to book the session required, it means that the session is fully booked and you will need to make alternative arrangements.
• Adhoc additional bookings can be made, subject to availability, and can be booked online if more than 24hrs notice, or booked via the School Office if less than 24hrs notice.  
• School Office number 01304 374951.    
• Breakfast Club Leader 07510 005939.              

• The current price is £3.00 per session. 
• Fees for all sessions must be paid in full, in advance before attendance.  We ask that you book and pay a month in advance.  Future attendance is at risk if payment is not received on time.
• All fees must be paid by our online banking system, SchoolMoney; details are available from the School Office.
• Fees are reviewed on an annual basis.

• Children must be dropped off between 8 and 8.10am and are dismissed at 8.40am for them to make their way to their classroom and locker areas.  YrR children are escorted to their classrooms.    
Medical/Sickness Arrangements:
• If your child has any medical conditions you must notify the School Office so we can be informed and trained if need be to support your child.
• In the event that your child becoming unwell or is injured while attending the Breakfast Club, our staff will aim to contact you immediately.  
• In the event that decisions are required, in the interest of your child’s health and welfare,  the Breakfast Club Leader or their deputy will act on your behalf.
• In the event that your child has sickness/diarrhoea they must not attend for 48 hours post being clear of symptoms.

Welfare and Discipline:
Parental Support is key to behavioural standard.  we expect that you will support and encourage the aims of the Breakfast Club team and ensure that your children are encouraged to display the expected behaviours, punctuality, politeness, co-operation and engagement with staff and pupils.

Parents and guardians who have registered their children accept that the Breakfast Club Leader and staff have the authority to take reasonable action to safeguard the welfare of all children and staff while at Breakfast Club. The Breakfast Club follows the Sandown School behaviour guidelines.

Removal from Breakfast Club - in the event that your child’s behaviour does not meet the standards required for attendance, then we will consult with you to rectify this.  In the event of this not being achieved,  we reserve the right to exclude your child from attending the Breakfast Club.

Parents and guardians must ensure that the Headteacher is notified of any information to safeguard or promote their child’s welfare.  Breakfast Club staff will be informed of sensitive issues concerning a child on a ‘need to know’ basis only.

REGISTRATION FORM: please click here, complete and hand to Mrs Hibbert on your child's first visit or if their details have changed etc.


Please contact Mrs Lovesey if further information required: loveseyh@sandown.kent.sch.uk.                                                                                       @ 05.12.23

