Uniform delivery dates
Please see the enclosed info regarding dates to order by for home delivery and school delivery (free).
School Uniform & PE Kit list
We encourage all our children to take a pride in their school and in their personal appearance. Consequently, with the support of parents, staff, governors and the children themselves, all children are expected to wear school uniform. The benefits of this, both to the children and to Sandown, are many and we would ask for your full co-operation and support in seeing that all Sandown pupils are uniformly dressed.
Our School Uniform is as follows:
- Navy blue v-necked jumper, cardigan or Sandown school sweatshirt* or cardigan.*
- Plain white shirt or polo shirt – long or short sleeved.
- Grey or black trousers or tailored shorts (not sports, leisure or leggings).
- Grey skirt or pinafore dress.
- Plain grey or navy blue socks or tights. White ankle socks or long socks may be worn in the summer.
- Flat black shoes (not trainers or boots). Closed in sandals may be worn in the summer.
- NO jewellery may be worn except small, plain stud earrings. If earrings cannot be removed, they must be covered by micropore tape to be sent in from home.
- Hair fastenings should be discrete and in keeping with school uniform colours.
- Make-up, including nailpolish, should not be worn.
Our School PE Kit is as follows:
- Plain House-colour t-shirt (Red, Yellow, Blue or Green).*
- Plain navy or black shorts.*
- Plain navy or black tracksuit bottoms - jersey sweatpants are now available on the P&B website
- Plain navy or black sweatshirt or hooded top (no logos). School jumpers may be worn - Logo'd PE hoodies are now available on the P&B website.
- Sports trainers.
- Micropore tape for covering earrings.
We also ask that all children have a waterproof coat in school every day, regardless of the weather.
Please ensure that all items of clothing are very clearly named!
All of Sandown's uniform is available from Price & Buckland. We have been a customer of P&B for many years and all of your uniform needs are now available online (not just the logo'd items). Deliveries are made free of charge if received here at school (approximately 2week delivery time) or for a small charge, then can be delivered directly to yourself and slightly quicker.
We still hold a small stock of 3-4yrs old PE T-Shirts (all colours available) in school, and these can continue to be purchased via SchoolMoney as usual.