Year 1 2024-2025
A warm welcome to the year one page!
Our teaching team consists of Mrs Harris, Miss Marsh, Miss Woodward and Miss Rotter.
Year 1 will be having PE on a Monday and a Thursday. Please can children come to school wearing their PE kits on these days.
We also have termly visits to Green Zone. All our Green Zone sessions are posted on Tapestry.
Below you will find an overview of our planned learning each term. For more information on what your child will be learning in year 1 please see the curriculum pages and termly newsletters.
Year 1 Fun at Green Zone
Year-1- (ID 1018)
Term 1I'm a poet and I didn't know it.
Term 1
Place value within 10
Addition and subtraction within 10
Rhyming, simple poetry, Adventurous story and descriptive writing
SPAG- Simple sentence structure- finger spaces, full stops
Reading- reading skills, speaking and listening skills, join in with rhymes
Geography - Why do people come to Deal?
Locating where children live and knowing their address, exploring around the school- human and physical features(during local walk). Can they guide a friend to their house? What makes them come to Deal?
Science:Seasonal changes (Autumn) The Human Body
Computing:Unit A: computing systems and networks- technology around us
RE:Does God want Christians to look after the world?
Music:Charanga- Glockenspiel Act 1- first note
Indoor PE: Gymnastics
Outdoor PE: Tennis
DT: – fabric project- Making a promotional product for a book (whale for snail and the whale)
PSHE:Jigsaw – Being me in my world
Term 2Toys, toys, toys
Term 2
Maths: Addition and subtraction within 10, Shape, Consolidation
English: Writing instructions, Christmas poems: free verse and list poems
SPAG- simple sentence structure- finger spaces, full stops, capital letters, imperative verbs-get, put, mix, time conjunctions- first, next
Reading- blending, beginning of phase 5 sounds, sharing books
History - How have toys changed over time?
What types of toys are there?
What toys did my parents and grandparents play with?
How do we know about toys from the past?
Can we put toys in chronological order?
Why have toys changed?
Science: Everyday materials, seasonal changes
Computing: Unit B: creating media- digital painting
RE: What gifts might Christians have given Jesus if he had been born here?
Music: Charanga- Glockenspiel Act 1- first note, Singing for Panto
Outdoor PE: football
Indoor PE: Infant Agility
Art: Creating spirals
PSHE: Celebrating difference
Term 3Rebel Tales
Term 3
Place value within 20
Addition and subtraction within 20
Character description: fairy tale
Narrative story writing: fairy tales, fantasy & traditional tales
SPAG- word types- noun, verb, adjectives- capital letters for start of names and I and days of the week, question mark and exclamation mark
Reading- traditional tales, fairy tales, blending in their heads, tricky words
Geography- What is in the UK?
Countries that make the UK, key features, main towns/cities, seas
Science: Animals and planting
Computing: Unit D- programming A- moving a robot
RE: Was it always easy for Jesus to show friendship?
Music: Charanga- Glockenspiel Act 2- play together
Indoor PE: Dance
Outdoor PE: Football
Art: Simple printing, watercolours, inspired by floral and fauna
PSHE: Dreams and goals
Term 4Lets get wild!
Term 4
Maths: Place value within 50, Length and height, Mass and volume.
English: Narrative story, Poetry: Visual and Concrete, Contemporary fiction
SPAG- Consolidate last term and Singular and Plural
Reading- reading for an audience, consolidate all know sounds and blending in head.
Geography : What are the climates of the world?
Science: Seasonal changes (Spring),Working scientifically (consolidation)
Computing: Unit C- Data and information- grouping data
RE: Why was Jesus welcomed like a king or celebrity on Palm Sunday?
Music: Charanga- Glockenspiel Act 3- more notes
Indoor PE: Tag rugby DFC
Outdoor PE: Kwik Cricket
Art: Access art- playful making and making birds
PSHE: Jigsaw - Healthy Me
Term 5What's the Deal with smuggling?
Term 5
Maths: Multiplication and division, Fractions, Position and direction
English: Recount and instructions
SPAG- Consolidation T1-3, Word classes, Capital letters for proper nouns and I, Coordinating conjunctions (use “and” to join words and clauses)
Reading- Phonics Screening Check, reading fluently
History - What effect did Smugglers have locally?
Why did smuggling begin?
Smuggling: Why Deal?
What effect did Goodwin Sands have on smuggling?
What effect did smuggling have on justice?
Geography- Why do people come to Deal?
-What features does Deal have?(Recap during local learning walk)
Science: plants
Computing: Unit E: Creating Media- digital writing
RE: Is Shabbat important to Jewish children?
Music: Charanga- Glockenspiel Act 3- more notes
Indoor PE: infant agility
Outdoor PE: football
DT: wood project- puzzles
PSHE: Unit 5: Relationships
Term 6London's Burning!
Term 6
Place value within 100
Diary: historical fiction
Narrative story: mystery
SPAG- Consolidation T1-5 , Word classes, Capital letters for proper nouns and I, Coordinating conjunctions, Change the meaning of adjectives/verbs using prefix un
History - Did the Great Fire of London only have a negative impact?
What was London like in 1666?
What were the key events of the Great Fire of London? (chronology)
How do we know so much about the Great Fire of London? (Famous People/sources)
Why did the fire spread so quickly? (buildings/materials)
What damage did the fire cause?
What changed after the fire? (comparison)
Science: Seasonal changes (Summer) Growing and Cooking
Computing: Unit F: Programming B- programming animations
RE: Are Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur important to Jewish children?
Music: Charanga- Glockenspiel Act 4- finale
Indoor PE: Indoor review
Outdoor PE: Outdoor review/Sports day practice
DT – food project
PSHE: Changing me (including SRE)
Term 1 Newsletter and Home learning
Term 2 Newsletters and Home learning