Year 2 2024/ 2025
Welcome to Year 2
We are looking forward to a fun and exciting year in year 2. The teaching team consists of Mrs Porter, Mr Anderson, Miss Pinfold, Miss Smith and Miss Harris
Year 2 will be having PE on a Monday and Thursday. Please can children wear their PE kit to school on these days.
We also visit Green Zone every term. Remember to check Tapestry to see what we get up to. We even have indoor Green Zone fun on very stormy days.
Year 2 Fun at Green Zone
Below you will find an overview of our planned learning each term. For more information on what your child will be learning in year 2 please see the curriculum pages on the website and termly newsletters.
Year-2 (ID 1020)
Term 1Awesome Australia
Term 1
Maths: Numbers to 100 - place value, addition, subtraction
English: The Koala who could by Racheal Bright, One Day on Our Blue Planet... In the Outback Ella Bailey
Non-chronological report, recount, poetry
Descriptive writing, poetry, non-fiction fact files, story-animal (spelling and text types and features)
SPaG: full stops, capital letters, word classes, simple sentence structure and sentence type
Geography: Key question: How does London compare to Sydney?
Place knowledge, human and physical geography (comparing Australia and UK, cities and towns, seaside, desert etc, continents, oceans)
Science: Animals needs for survival, Living things and their habitats
Computing: Computing systems and networks – IT around us
RE: What did Jesus teach? (Christianity)
Music: Pulse, Rhythm and Pitch
PE: Gymnastics Games: Football
Art: Explore the world through mono print
PSHE: Being Me in my world
Term 2Up, up and away
Term 2
Maths: Multiplication and Division, Fractions
English: Beegu by Alexis Deacon - Instructions, Narrative
Diary, postcard, instructions (basic punctuation and spelling)- handwriting
SPaG: expanded noun phrases, tense, commas in a list, exclamations
History: Key question: How has technology improved exploration?
Lives of significant individuals/ events beyond living memory. Flight/Astronauts/Space Travel- then and now -discoveries/Advancement/moon landings- Wright Brothers, Amelia Earheart, Neil Armstrong etc.
Science: Living things and their habitats (habitats, suitability, adaptations, food chains, living dead never living) Growing up- lifecycles
Computing: Creating media – Digital photography
RE: (Incarnation) Why do Christians believe God gave Jesus to the world?
Music: Playing in an Orchestra
PE: Infant Agility and Tennis
Art: Exploring music and art
PSHE: Celebrating Difference
Term 3Regal Royals
Term 3
Maths: Time, money, shape
English: The Corgi and the Queen by Caroline L Perry
Diary, letter, for and against – persuasive writing, book comparison skills, predictions, fractured fairy tales.
SPaG: progressive verb form, conjunctions, adverbs, expanded noun phrases
History: Should we listen to everything monarchs say?
Significant historical events, people and places locally. History of Kings and Queens and their role. Castles and their importance
Science: Materials
Computing: Programming A – Robot algorithms
RE: Passover – How important is it for Jewish people to do what God asks them to do?
Music: Inventing a Musical Story
PE: Dance Games: Cricket (CPD)
DT: Textiles- (design, cut, sew, evaluate)
PSHE: Dreams and Goals
Term 4Wacky Walliams
Term 4
Maths: Length and height, mass, capacity and temperature, statistics, position and direction
English: Ratburger by David Walliams
Predictions-who killed the hamster, persuasive poster- ice creams, alliterative poetry, fictional recount- burger van on playground (more punctuation and sentence types), Persuasive leaflet.
SPaG: subordinating and coordinating conjunctions, person, suffixes, apostrophes
Science: Humans
Geography: What are the human and physical features of Deal?
Place knowledge- Deal- local geography
History: Brief look at Black Death
Computing: Data and information – Pictograms
RE: Easter – How important is it to Christians that Jesus came back to life after his crucifixion?
Music: Exploring Improvisation
PE: Tri Golf Games: Tag Rugby
DT: Food Tech- pizza (design, make, taste, evaluate)
PSHE: Healthy Me
Term 5Poisonous Potions
Term 5
Maths: Consolidation of skills
English: George’s Marvellous Medicine by Roald Dahl
Instructions, story, poetry, recounts, diary, letter (all skills to be in writing and editing)
SPaG: Consolidation
History: Key question: How have significant individuals made a difference to medicine?
Changes within and beyond living memory/ lives of significant others (Florence Nightingale etc-history of medicine)
Science: Plants- light/dark, seeds and bulbs- experiment
Computing: Creating media - Digital music
RE: Islam: Does going to a mosque give Muslims a sense of belonging?
Music: Exploring Improvisation
PE: Yoga Games: Athletics
DT: Woodwork- moving transport- wheels, axles
PSHE: Relationships
Term 6Secret Agent Training
Term 6
Maths: Consolidation
English: Secret Agent Training
Letters, newspaper reports, recounts, persuasive writing, story (bringing all skills together)
SPaG: Consolidation
Topic – Geog: Where is better to visit, London or Deal?
Locational knowledge, geographical skills (Ariel photos- landmarks, compass, man-made/ geographical. Comparison of London and Deal, UK maps capital cities)
Science: Inventors and scientists
Computing: Programming B - Programming quizzes
RE: Does completing Haij make a person a better Muslim?
Music: Our Big Concert
PE: Indoor Review and Rounders
Art: Expressive painting
PSHE: Changing Me
Term 1 newsletter and home learning
Additional Information
Children will have access to Times Tables Rockstars, which will enable them to learn their times tables in a fun and interactive way.
We will be using Spelling shed and children will have word lists to complete, these will be available to be accessed at home using your child’s Accelerated User login details via the Spelling shed website.
Children are expected to read daily and to learn their spellings and times tables. We will be introducing spelling tests later in the year.