Year 3 2024/25
Welcome to Year 3!
The teaching team in year 3 consist of Mrs Bailey, Miss Mansfield, Mrs Mitchell, Mrs Hutchings, Mrs Massey and Mr Stockdale.
Year 3 will be having PE on a Tuesday and Friday. Please come to school wearing your PE kit on this day.
We also have termly visits to Green Zone. Remember to check Tapestry to see what we get up to.
Year 3 Fun at Green Zone
Below you will find an overview of our planned learning each term. For more information on what your child will be learning in year 3 please see the curriculum pages and termly newsletters.
Year-3 (ID 1021)
Term 1Extreme Earth
Term 1
Maths: Place value, addition and subtraction
English: Narrative - (Flood book) Non Chronological – Letter to Art Gallery
SPAG: Variation in sentence structures/ adjectives / fronted adverbials/ Commas after fronted adverbials / Nouns and pronouns / A wider range of conjunctions formal and informal language/ Commas in a list.
Geography: Natural disasters – What are the effects of natural disasters?
Science: Rocks
Computing: Unit A: Computing systems and networks Connecting computers
RE: Hinduism Would celebrating Divali at home and in the community bring a feeling of belonging to a Hindu child?
Music: Writing music down
PE: Indoor Gym / Outdoor Tennis
French: I am learning French KS2 / Salutations.
Art: Making loose, gestural drawings with charcoal, and exploring drama and performance
PSHE: Being me in my world
Term 2In the beginning...
Term 2
Maths: Addition and subtraction, multiplication and division
English: Narrative: Si Fi going back in time to stone age. Art gallery visit leading to informal letter to friend.
SPAG: Expanded noun phrases Adverbs of time Apostrophes Variation in sentence structures
History: Changes in Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age What did prehistoric people ever do for us?
Science: Forces and Magnets
Computing: Unit B: Creating media- Stop frame animation
RE: Christianity Has Christmas lost its true meaning?
Music: Playing in a band
PE: Indoor Handball / Outdoor Basketball (Friday)
French: Colours and numbers
DT: Textiles
PSHE: Jigsaw Celebrating difference
Term 3No Mountain high enough
Term 3
Maths: multiplication and division, length and perimeter,
English: Information: non-chronological – Flanimals. Key features. Recount Newspaper / Enews Mabel and the Mountain.
SPAG: Consolidation T1-2 Use the forms a or an according to whether the next word begins with a consonant or a vowel
Geography: What are the natural wonders of the world?
Science: light
Computing: Unit C: Programming and Sequencing sounds
RE: Christianity Could Jesus heal people?
Music: Composing using your imagination
PE: Indoor Dance / Out door Netball
French: Les Animaux
Art: Cloth, Thread, Paint : Explore how artists combine media to create work in response to landscape. Use acrylic and thread to make a painted and stitched piece.
PSHE: Dreams and goals
Term 4Food for thought
Term 4
Maths: fractions, mass and capacity
English: Instructions – bread making. Poetry Q and A. Explanatory – How to be a good pupil.
SPAG: expanded noun phrases/ adverbs of manner / Correct use of present ect.
History: Britain’s settlements Anglo Saxons 449BC-1066AD How and why did the Anglo Saxons settle in Britain?
Science: Animals including humans
Computing: Unit D: Data and information Branching Databases
RE: Christianity What is ‘good’ about Good Friday?
Music: More musical styles
PE: Indoor Dance / Outdoor OAA (See tapestry plan)
DT: Cooking
French: La Glaces (Ice creams)
PSHE: Healthy me
Term 5Wild and free
Term 5
Maths: Fraction B, money and time
English: Persuasion: Blogging to persauade others to visit Deal. Narrative Traditional tales: Pea Boy – Okab story. - Took a frame red riding hood to write their own. . Recount; Say what happend in Okab.
SPAG: Prepositional phrases Express time, place and cause using prepositions (before, after, during, in, because of) Quotations Punctuate direct speech with inverted commas Brackets
Geography: GB isles What are the key iconic features of the UK?
Science: Plants
Computing: Unit E: creating mediaDesktop publishing
RE: Sikhism Do Sikhs think it is important to share?
Music: Enjoying improvisation
PE: Indoor badminton / outdoor Athletics
French: seasons
DT: Making bird feeders
PSHE: relationships
Term 6Vicious Vikings
Term 6
Maths: time, shape and statistic
English: Reading text focus – recounts – diary – opinion, dictionary work. Poetry (performance) Conversation Poem
SPAG: Consolidation T1-5 Clauses Coordinating Subordinating conjunctions
History: The Viking and Anglo Saxon struggle for the Kingdom of England to the time of Edward the Confessor 743AD-1066 Raiders or settlers: How should the Vikings be remembered?
Science: Working scientifically Scientists and inventers
Computing: Unit F: Programming BEvents and actions in programs
RE: Sikhism What is the best way for a Sikh to show commitment to God? How do Sikh people worship and celebrate?
Music: Opening night
PE: Review term / Out door rounders
French: Ancient history.
Art: Making Animated Drawings Explore how to create simple moving drawings by making paper “puppets” and animate them using tablets.
PSHE: changing me
Term 1 newsletter and home learning